functional fitness for overall wellness

I believe that fitness and health should be accessible to everyone. Through personal training, I provide custom exercise plans which meet each athlete at their level so they feel strong, capable, and accomplished as they work towards their personal fitness goals. Scroll below to see which plan would be the best fit for you.


The most popular plan! This is for those who want some in-person accountability, but have a busy schedule and can't get to a personal trainer every day. Rather than daily, we will meet together a few times a month. The rest of your workouts will be given to you through the TrueCoach app and done at your gym on your own.


  • Starts at $350 per month

To schedule a consultation or get more information about hybrid training, click below!


“I started with Strong at Last to help me recover from a low back injury and the training has far exceeded my expectations. I’m more capable of taking on everyday tasks and no longer in chronic pain. It’s truly changed my quality of life for the better!”

— courtney


“My goal when starting was to increase my mobility, stability, stamina, and strength so that hopefully as I age I can still DO for myself. I can honestly say all have been achieved.”

— gale