This year, I have been working on trusting myself and advocating for myself. My journey to 300 (J-2-3) workouts is a way for me to FLEX those trust and advocate muscles and build those skills. 


Have you ever began a new undertaking, told all your friends what you were going to undertake, and then for whatever reason, this new task never gets completed? I have done this so many times. Part of me is really scared that I will do the same thing this year. I have set out to do 300 workouts, I’ve told my friends and clients, and I’ve even written a blog about it! What if I fail? 


This is where my self-trust and advocacy come in. I have made a commitment to myself and no one else that I am going to prioritize my fitness and my business this year during this J-2-3. With every workout that I complete, I trust Brea a little bit more. Every day that I prioritize my workout first and plan everything else around it, I trust Brea a little bit more.  


It hasn’t happened yet, but I know the advocacy part will come about shortly. Once people see you doing something extreme that they may not have the current drive or ability to do, they will tell you it’s stupid or foolish. Maybe not with their words, but their actions will certainly tell you. Do you go on a weekend trip with your friends and they act annoyed that you get up early on Saturday to workout before you head to the beach? Don’t worry; they will get over it once they see what a good mood you’re in all day! Advocate for yourself through your actions. Keep up with your plan and your results will speak for themselves. Your friends and family may even be inspired that you are able to do this and eventually ask to join you. 


My self-trust and advocacy have been strengthened on days that I scale my workout back and take some time for yoga and mobility. During these times, I know that this J-2-3 goal will not be to the detriment of my physical or mental health. This journey is to SUPPORT my mental and physical health, and advocating to myself about my tired and achy body on those yoga days helps me TRUST that this will remain the case. 


I have found a goal, and I am sticking with it. 39 workouts in, 261 to go. 


